


Tilakam on Balaji’s forehead consists of two things – one ‘V’ or ‘U’ shape and the second of ‘bindu’ with tail as dropping into the ‘V’ or ‘U’ shape. The ‘V’ / ‘U’ shape implies the capacity to hold, a container, a field to nurture. The ‘bindu’ with tail and dropping into ‘V’/’U’ signifies the “Life Force’ being dropped into the container / field to get nurtured. Both the ‘V’/’U’ shape and the dropping ‘bindu’ together signifies that Balaji holds the life and the humanity. Further, when everyone who wears or sees the ‘tilakam’, (s)he is reminded about the core of humanity and Life. This keeps focus on Life eternity, enjoy Life, save Life, develop Life and everything related to Life is in front of you for taking Action that sustains Life. That’s another reason why the tilakam is on forehead which is the centre of ‘agna cakra’ in the human body and usually the main attraction in the human structure.

